I have fully illustrated this new and important book.
Working with world species experts, the FAO and Institute Paul Bocuse this book is now available to download here https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/cc5140en
Images copyright FAO & GFCM
You can find lots of my original illustrations in 'The Magic of Tinned Fish' cookbook.
It is out now, available from wherever good books are sold!
Images copyright The Magic of Tinned Fish 2021
I have a series of sea life drawings in 'The Sketch Encyclopedia' book.
A book like no other, The Sketch Encyclopedia is an ideal art resource for anyone wanting to take their first steps into sketching or drawing. With over 900 drawing projects, each broken down into four key steps for practising your skills, there is enough to keep you sketching for years! Learn the fundamental skills of drawing from The Sketch Encyclopedia’s extensive introduction covering tools, line making, light theory, perspective, and texture before exploring the different effects you can create with the book’s texture library. Armed with a wealth of artistic knowledge, embark upon your own sketches using the many different subjects covered in The Sketch Encyclopedia.
Click the link or image to purchase shop.3dtotal.com
The 200 fish Project
I'm one of artists taking part in the Time and Tide Bell #200Fish Project. The art project aims to raise awareness of the biodiversity of teh North Sea by bringing stimulation of thought and conversation about humankind's relationship with the sea's, past and future. Referencing the issues of global warming, climate change, sea level rise, ocean acidification and over-exploitation.
I painted the 162 Sand Goby, Pomatoschistus minutus, the 140 Meagra, Argyrosomus Regius and the 113 Twohorn sculpin, Icelus Bicornis.