Where to find Ali's work...



July - Waddle on Sea, Southend-on-Sea 

June - Alnmouth arts festival, Alnmouth Northumberland 

Spring - Stampedebythesea.org, Bridport, West Bay, and Lyme Regis

MarchNo-time-for-waste-2025, Tynemouth

March - April Anglesey Abbey National Trust, Shaun the Sheep

February - June The Northumberland Open Exhibition museumsnorthumberland.org.uk




September - St Mary's, Eco Art Fair, Monkseaton

August - Shepherds Dene, Artist Fayre, Riding Mill, Northumberland

July - RHS Bridgewater & RHS Wisley, The Great Garden Adventure with Shaun the Sheep

June - Alnmouth arts festival

May - September Solo exhibition, Spanish City, Whitley Bay with FTLOTN

JulyLight the south, Southampton

JulyWaddle of Worcester, Worcester

April - The Hearth Spring Fair, Horsley, Newcastle 

April - Elmerblackpool Big Parade, Blackpool

February - No Time For Waste, Linskill Centre with buy-the-kilo.com




October Buy-The-Kilo, Pop up, Tynemouth

July-October  Solo exhibition, The Spanish City, Whitley Bay

July-September Two sculptures at The Big Hop, North East Scotland 

July-September Shaun on the Tyne sculpture, Newcastle

June-August Two sculptures at Morphs Adventures in London

June Alnmouth Arts Festival 

April Climate matters, The Bridge Gallery, Buy the Kilo, Tynemouth Station

March-June Stitching and Mending, The World Reimagined, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London




November Stitching and Mending, The World Reimagined, Trafalgar Square, London

October Bee the change Buy-the-Kilo, Tynemouth 

October Buy-The-Kilo, Solo exhibition, Tynemouth

July Stitching and Mending, The World Reimagined, Leeds, 

July-October Seaside Exhibition, Spanish city, Whitley bay

July Design a surfboard, Seaton Sluice, community art project

June Alnmouth Arts Festival, Alnmouth

March Fish Ahoy, Morphs epic adventure, Whitley Bay,  

February-May A portrait of Northumberland, Woodhorn museum, Ashington

January The land is changing, Buy-the-Kilo, Tynemouth




December Buy-the-Kilo, Pop up, Tynemouth

December-ongoing Bee on the Wall, Ouseburn Farm, Newcastle

July-October Where the light becomes the dark, Light the North, Aberdeen, 

June The magic of Tinned Fish, book release, New York USA

May solo exhibition, FTLOTN, Spanish City Dome, Whitey Bay

May Scales, International Artist Magazine feature 

March Plover Rovers, Northumberland Coast




December Christmas fair, Fenwick, Newcastle

February-April Magic and mythWoodhorn museum, Ashington

February For the Ocean, solo exhibition, Buy-the-Kilo, Tynemouth




August Art in the Pen, Skipton

July-November, Surf Dude, Elmer, Eldon Square, Newcastle

July North Sea, solo exhibition, FTLOTN, Corbridge 

June Alnmouth Arts Festival, Alnmouth

April-May Art with Heart, Queen's Hall, Hexham 

April For the Ocean, solo exhibition, Buy-the-Kilo, Tynemouth




October The Sketchbook Encyclopedia, book release,

September Hexham Salmon, Hexham

June-September N18, Great Exhibition of the North, Newcastle/Gateshead

June-September Thoughtful Planet 2, Thought Foundation Gallery, Birtley

July Ken Bromley, Cover competition Shortlist

June Alnmouth Arts Festival, Alnmouth

May Network Artist NE, Jesmond

February-May Open Ocean, Woodhorn museum, Ashington

February Blue ocean, solo exhibition, FTLOTN, Whitely Rd, Whitley Bay

January The Sketchbook project, New York




December 200Fish, book release

September Network Artist NE, Jesmond

July-Sept Thoughtful Planet, Thought Foundation Gallery, Birtley

May-July Summer show, Number four gallery, St Abbs

June Alnmouth Arts Festival, Alnmouth

June Summer collection, Gallery Forty5, Felton

A selection of new artworks are continually available at the following galleries